Get Your Injured Workers Back on the Job Sooner

Do you have injured workers off the job about whom you are wondering when or if they will return? Is everything possible being done to speed their return? Is light or modified duty an option that could get them back quicker? Should you just leave it all up to your insurer?
If you don't have any current claims, are you prepared with the right tools and resources to respond in a way that might help you get your injured worker back sooner, and save you frustration and costs?
Choices Case Management provides employers with services that proactively and positively impact the speed and cost of workers' comp case resolution. Utilizing nursing resources and expertise, Choices facilitates communication and action among employers, insurance carriers, physicians, treatment teams and injured workers, resulting in proven time and cost savings.
Our services include:
- Workers' Compensation Case Reviews
- Return-to-Work Assessments & Programs
- Field & Telephonic Case Management
- Catastrophic Case Management
- Task / Limited Assignments
- Early Intervention Programs
- In Service Training for Employer Teams
- OrthoTrak Surgical Case Management
- Certified Interpreting Team
- Customized Nurse Case Management Programs
- Through Certified Specialist Partners
- Ergonomic Evaluations & Prevention
- Job Descriptions & Analysis

6 Signs It’s Time
When is the right time to consider bringing in a nurse case manager? What difference can a nurse really make in speeding case closure?

Food For Thought
Ask about Lunch & Learn seminars and training workshops in your office! Current topics presented at no cost by our subject matter experts. CEUs available.

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