IMPACT Early Intervention Program
Early intervention, conducted by an expert nurse case manager, is a proven strategy for accessing early, appropriate treatment resulting in expedited injury resolution. Injured employees receive prompt attention and feel valued by their employer, reducing litigation and improving overall outcomes.
The return on an early intervention investment is tremendous – a Liberty Mutual and Heimsman study determined it can lower future medical costs an average of 18%, lower overall claim costs an average of 26%, and reduce the time required to resolve a claim an average of 15%.
Our 2022 Choices IMPACT program outcomes mirror these findings: 85% of IMPACT files close at full duty within 40 days, clients save an average of $5669 per assignment in indemnity and treatment costs, and only 2.4% of the claims were litigated.

Here’s how it works:
- Early Intervention assignment made to Choices within seven days of injury (automated referral process available).
- A Choices telephonic nurse case manager (NCM) coordinates an initial assessment and 3-point contact within 24 business hours of referral receipt.
- NCM pursues expedited request, authorization, and completion of treatment, exhausting all options to locate accelerated access to care.
- NCM utilizes evidence-based guidelines and functional abilities assessment to advance work status and reduce lost time.
- NCM secures status of all scheduled appointments, treatments, authorizations, and work status progression, providing frequent and clear communication updates to the client.
- Continued need for nursing services evaluated after each significant event or claim progression. Maximum program duration 90 days.

Benefits of early intervention
- Early assessment and identification of severity of injury by a skilled nurse case manager.
- Expedited and medically appropriate treatment referrals reduce treatment delays.
- Early and responsive communication with adjuster, employer, and provider.
- Lower claim costs by keeping treatment in network, avoiding litigation, and achieving early return to work.
- Demonstrates employee value by early employee contact, support, and education.
- Reduces time loss, disability payments and need for temporary workers; minimizes workflow disruption.
The bottom line – early intervention produces better medical and return to work outcomes at substantial savings.

6 Signs It’s Time
When is the right time to consider bringing in a nurse case manager? What difference can a nurse really make in speeding case closure?

Food For Thought
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